

viernes, 23 de febrero de 2018

Estudio Global Justicia Penal Juvenil abre período para cuestionarios a Estados y Sociedad Civil

Experto Independiente Manfred Novak lidera el Estudio Global de Justicia Penal Juvenil, el cual ha sido impulsado y apoyado por organizaciones de la sociedad civil y entre las que han estado al frente de esta iniciativa es Defensa de Niñas y Niños - Internacional, DNI. En esta etapa el experto abre un espacio para que Estados y sociedad civil organizada llene un cuestionario.

Compartimos desde DNI España la carta y el cuestionario. Fecha límite:

Independent Expert leading the UN Global Study on Children Deprived of Liberty


Dear Colleagues,

The UN General Assembly invited the Secretary General in 2014 to commission the Global Study on Children Deprived of Liberty. In October 2016, I was appointed as Independent Expert leading the Global Study. Consequently, I convened a high level expert meeting in March 2017, where we finalised a questionnaire to be sent to all States and other Stakeholders. Due to lack of funding it took, however, some time until our Global Study gained the momentum it deserves. Thanks to the emergency fundraising campaign and joint efforts, we are now in the position to take the next steps towards realising the study.

The attached questionnaire constitutes the most important tool for gathering evidence-based data on the number of children deprived of liberty in different situations and further essential information relevant for the success of the Global Study. The data requested in the questionnaire should be provided by governments in close cooperation with field offices of relevant UN Agencies, NHRIs and other essential stakeholders, such as NGOs. Governments are to determine a focal point for coordinating responses. The precise number of children deprived of liberty will be gathered at a specific date, i.e. the 26th of June 2018. I am aware of the close deadline, which derives from the request of the General Assembly to present the Global Study in October 2019.

I respectfully request your assistance in supporting the focal point in your country in providing the data needed. It would constitute an essential asset to include the work of NGOs highlighting the current situation of children deprived of liberty in your country and thus, enriching the Global Study.

Please find all further information in the questionnaire. If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,

Manfred Nowak

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